I don't know why? Somtimes there is so stressful day.
That was today.....
Actually I hate national holidays.Especially consecutive holidays.
There is 2 times in September fuckin' national holidays.
Always fuckin' traffic anywhere. Some stupid driver make an
fuckin' accident. So always make a mess and trouble dude.
So I was waited done for fuckin' consecutive holidays in my house.
I had a lot of my jobs. Especially I have to finish for next issue
Burnout edit. So I was there all day in my house and I was
waited finish fuckin' consecutive holidays.
Finally fuckin' shit consecutive holidays done today.
So I was try to go surf. But...oh boy. Any Shonan area hasn't
fuckin' wave... Actually I was try to go my favorite spot to
Oiso. But Odawara Atsugi Toll Road had fuckin' 2 accidents.
So Toll way had a crazy traffic.I was stay there over hours.
Dude,do you wanna kill me??
I just wanna enjoy for surfing!! But I couldn't....Why??
Crazy traffic,no fuckin' wave..etc
Too much stress dude!!!!!!!!!
So I decided I'll go to fuckin' Chiba tomorrow,
If you couldn't get good wave in your area,you have to go
another location.Yes,you gonna move!!
We are freedom. We can go anywhere.
So I'll be there Chiba some around tomorrow.
I need relax. I need playing. I need fun.I need fuel.
I have to finish some more part for next Burnout.
So I'll take a rest. And then I'll make a hustle.
Thank you for reading everything.
It's my crazy mutter...I'm crazy now......
I hope you have a great day!!